7 Damaging Dallas Tree Pests and How To Prevent Them

Aug 23, 2023 | 0 comments

7 Dalls Tree Pests and How To Prevent Them

Trees play an integral role in our environment, providing shade, shelter, and beauty. In the vast landscape of North Texas, with its array of trees dotting the horizon, maintaining tree health is paramount. But, like any other region, North Texas has its share of tree pests that can compromise the well-being of these green giants.

Let’s delve into the common culprits and explore how to thwart their advances. Here are some of the most common pests to watch out for and prevention methods to ensure your trees remain healthy:

1. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

Emerald Ash Borers are beguiling beetles with a shimmering, metallic green exoskeleton that stands in stark contrast to the destructive nature concealed within. No larger than a penny, their brilliant hue is deceptive, masking their role as one of the most devastating pests to ash trees. As adults, they might appear as dazzling, tiny jewels fluttering about, but their larvae weave a tale of destruction. Beneath the bark of ash trees, they carve serpentine galleries, disrupting the tree’s ability to transport nutrients and water. This intricate network of tunnels reveals a silent killer at work, turning once robust and thriving Dalltrees into frail, lifeless sentinels. The beauty of the Emerald Ash Borer is a paradox, with its radiant exterior hiding the devastation it brings to forests and landscapes.


  • Regularly inspect your ash trees for D-shaped exit holes.
  • Avoid moving firewood, as this can transport the pests.
  • Treat trees with insecticides such as emamectin benzoate.

2. Webworms

Webworms, nature’s enigmatic silk-spinners, create a spectacle both fascinating and foreboding in the treetops. These caterpillars, garbed in fuzzy attire, band together to weave dense, gossamer tents enveloping tree branches. Within these silky fortresses, these tree pests find both sanctuary and sustenance, feasting on the very leaves that support their homes. As summer fades into fall, the webs become more prominent, cascading over limbs like ghostly drapes. While the sight can be eerily beautiful, especially when morning dew glistens on the webs, it also signals a tree under siege. Beneath the web’s protective embrace, the voracious webworms munch away, turning lush green foliage into a patchwork of holes and skeletonized leaves. Webworms create large, silky webs on tree limbs, particularly on pecan, oak, and hickory trees. Inside these webs, they munch away on leaves, causing defoliation. Beneficial insects like wasps and birds often feed on webworms.


  • Regularly inspect trees for web formation.
  • Physically remove the webs or prune the affected branches.

3. Oak Leaf Rollers

Oak Leaf Rollers, the sly artisans of the forest, have a knack for origami that is both ingenious and insidious. These small caterpillars, often unnoticed at first glance, take to the majestic oak leaves and meticulously roll them up, crafting natural shelters that shield them from predators. Hidden within these curled refuges, they indulge in a voracious feast, nibbling away at the very structure that hides them. As they dine and grow, the once vibrant and outstretched leaves of the oak are transformed into a series of tightly wound green scrolls. While the handiwork of the Oak Leaf Rollers can be marveled at for its sheer ingenuity, it’s also a sign of a tree under subtle assault, with each rolled leaf telling a tale of nature’s endless dance between predator and pests. These caterpillars target oak trees, rolling up inside leaves and consuming them, leading to significant defoliation.


  • Apply Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) as it’s effective against young caterpillars.
  • Release beneficial insects like trichogramma wasps to target and reduce their population.

4. Pine Tip Moth

Pine Tip Moths, discreet architects of the conifer world, embark on a clandestine mission as they target the very tips of pine branches. At first, their presence is subtle, a mere hint of mischief in the verdant sea of pine needles. But as the larvae burrow into the tender tips, they engineer chambers of demise, causing the once vibrant green shoots to brown and wither. Over time, the affected branches may resemble a forest touched by an early frost, bearing the brunt of this moth’s handiwork. Amidst the towering pines, these diminutive moths, often overshadowed by their grand environment, leave a mark that is unmistakable—a testament to the profound impact even the smallest creatures can have on their habitats. Larvae of the Pine Tip Moth burrow into the tips of pine branches, causing dieback. It is best to avoid these tree pests altogether through preventive arbor care.


  • Keep trees healthy with proper watering and fertilization.
  • Prune and destroy infested tips.
  • Apply insecticides in the early stages of larvae development.

5. Scale Insects

Scale insects, with their fortress-like exteriors, masquerade as mere bumps or irregularities on the surfaces they colonize. These tiny armor-clad invaders, often resembling miniature shields or irregular warts, fasten themselves to plants and trees, using needle-like mouthparts to pierce through and siphon the life-sustaining sap. The scales-insect‘s static appearance belies a voracious appetite, and they can be formidable adversaries to the flora they inhabit. As they drain nutrients, they excrete a sweet, sticky residue known as honeydew, paving the way for sooty mold and further compromising the health of their hosts. In a world of giants, these minuscule marauders remind us that size isn’t always indicative of impact, and even the tiniest of creatures can leave a lasting mark. These tree pests appear as small, bumpy growths on twigs and branches and suck out sap, weakening the tree.


  • Introduce beneficial predators like ladybugs.
  • Horticultural oils can suffocate and control scale populations.

6. Aphids

Aphids, the diminutive garden raiders, swarm plants with a relentless zeal that belies their fragile appearance. These pear-shaped interlopers, often clothed in hues of green or black, gather en masse, creating a living mosaic on the undersides of leaves and tender stems. With straw-like mouthparts, they greedily tap into the plant’s vascular system, siphoning off the sweet sap and, in return, exuding a sugary substance known as honeydew. This dew not only attracts other insects but can also give rise to a sooty black mold, further taxing the plant’s health. In the grand tapestry of nature, aphids play a dual role: they are both harbingers of stress for many plants and a bounteous feast for their numerous predators, embodying the intricate balance of the ecosystem. Small, often green insects that feed on plant sap. These tree pests excrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can lead to mold.


  • Use insecticidal soaps or neem oil.
  • Release natural predators such as ladybugs and lacewings.

7. Texas Leaf Cutting Ant

Texas Leaf Cutting Ants are nature’s diligent harvesters, renowned for their remarkable feats of strength and coordination. With a backdrop of the vast Texan landscape, these ants emerge from their subterranean colonies, embarking on expeditions to forage leaves from a myriad of plants. But, contrary to first impressions, these leaves aren’t for consumption in their original form. Instead, in an astonishing display of agricultural prowess, the ants meticulously snip away, carrying leaf fragments many times their size back to the depths of their nests. There, in the darkness, the leaves serve a grander purpose: decomposing into a fertile bed on which the ants cultivate a special fungus – their primary food source. Observing a trail of these tree pests is like watching a moving green river, a testament to nature’s incredible ingenuity and the ants’ unyielding drive to thrive.

 These ants cut off tree leaves to cultivate a fungus in their nests, which serves as their primary food source.


  • Maintain a barrier around trees using insecticides.
  • Locate and treat ant mounds directly.

General Prevention Tips:

When it comes to the overall health of your trees, consistent care and prevention of disease is a key component, especially in the Dallas Metroplex. While some pests have specific prevention care, most pests can be prevented or caught early before large infestations following general prevention-based care. Below are some of the basics.

  • Routine Inspections: Regularly examine trees for signs of tree pests. Early detection can make thee treatment for these pests more effective.
  • Tree Health: Strengthen trees through proper watering, pruning, and fertilization. A healthy tree can often fend off tree pests better than a weakened one.
  • Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of beneficial insects and birds that feed on common tree pests.
  • Consult Professionals: For severe infestations or when in doubt, seek advice or services from certified arborists or pest control professionals.
  • Community Cooperation: Pests can spread across neighborhoods. Collaborate with neighbors for coordinated tree pest management efforts.

While North Texas trees face a variety of active tree pests, being proactive in care and prevention can maintain their health and beauty. With a combination of regular inspections, natural predators, and, when necessary, targeted treatments, your trees can continue to thrive in the Texan landscape without the presence of damaging tree pests.

Maintaining tree health and early detection is crucial for the long-term well-being of your trees. To learn more about the tree pests that you should be on the lookout for in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, please feel free to reach out to us and our TreeTech professional arborists.