Insect & Disease Control in Dallas, TX
Integrated Pest Management
Trees provide a multitude of benefits, but they can also be a host to a multitude of insect and disease problems. Some problems are minor in nature but others can be a major problem, potentially causing the loss of a tree. Recognizing and managing these types of issues requires experienced and knowledgeable arborists.
TreeTech’s Insect & Disease Control measures minimize the presence of pests and diseases in your landscape, and safely mitigate future growth or expansion. Our prescribed methods of treatment help manage these problems with minimal impact to our natural world.
Tree insect and disease problems exist when favorable conditions exist in and around your tree, and a problematic insect or disease is present. The right environment and time of year can encourage further growth or expansion of the problem. While some insects and their damage may not cause major health concerns, other insects can cause the complete loss of a tree. The same is true with tree diseases or pathogens.
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Environmentally Friendly Solutions
To minimize environmental impacts, TreeTech incorporates both preventative measures and therapeutic control tactics to manage pests and diseases. Our integrated pest management approach prioritizes pest prevention and suppression, and only incorporates pest eradication when dealing with a highly damaging pest.
Treatment Techniques
During an on-site proposal, TreeTech’s Certified Arborists evaluate a variety of conditions, including plant value, condition and susceptibility, type of pest, pest damage potential, time of year and the overall landscape.
If a pest problem exceeds a tolerable level, or action threshold, the arborist can recommend our trunk injection technology to mitigate insect and disease control measures. This specialized technology seals each treatment into the tree, limiting exposure to homeowners, pets, the environment, and applicators.
Chemical controls are required when natural controls or other applied controls will not fulfill the best management goal. Pesticides may also be used as a preventive tactic against certain fungal diseases, and are often applied prior to the emergence of certain insect pests. Preventive application is only performed when landscape monitoring reveals that a pest is present or has the potential to cause injury.
TreeTech’s treatment techniques include:
- Soil Injection
- Soil Drench
- Basal Drench
- Bark Spray
- Canopy Spray
Treatment programs, including additional fungicide or insecticide treatments, may range from a single application, to a 3-12 month program.
Call TreeTech today for a quote for your personalized Nutrient Program, Pest & Disease Treatment or other PHC Services today!