Insects and Disease Problems Your Tree Could Get

Mar 23, 2022 | 0 comments

Trees get sick too. Just like people, they can catch diseases and pests that can make them weak and susceptible to other problems. That’s why it’s important to watch out for signs of disease and pests, so you can get your tree the help it needs. If you have a tree on your property and notice any of the following problems, it’s time to call in a tree expert or arborist.

Common Trees Diseases And Problems

Apple Scab

This fungal disease affects apples, crabapples, and other members of the rose family. It’s one of the most common and destructive diseases in North America. Symptoms include dark, velvety spots on the leaves. These spots eventually turn yellow and fall off.


This is a general term for a group of fungal diseases that affect many different types of trees, including maples, oaks, sycamores, and willows. The symptoms vary depending on the tree species but include black or brown spots on the leaves, premature leaf drops, and stem cankers.

Tar Spot

The spots are usually small at first but can get up to an inch in diameter. They don’t usually cause serious harm to the tree but can make it look unsightly. Sometimes the tree will drop its leaves early because of the tar spot.

Powdery Mildew

White or gray powdery patches on the leaves are sure of powdery mildew. This fungal disease affects many trees and shrubs, including birches, elms, maples, and oaks. When the mold covers a large percentage of the leaf surface, it can reduce photosynthesis and make the tree more susceptible to other problems.

Leaf Spot

These fungal diseases cause small, circular, or irregularly shaped spots on the leaves. Depending on the tree species and the specific condition, the spots can be in different colors. Not all leaf spot diseases are serious, but some can cause premature leaf drop and make the tree susceptible to other problems.


Trees can get stressed for various reasons, including drought, poor drainage, compaction, and damage from construction. Stress can make trees more susceptible to diseases and pests. Symptoms of stress include yellowing or browning leaves, premature leaf drop, and slow growth.


Trees can also be affected by pests, such as insects and animals. Some of the most common include aphids, borers, and caterpillars. They can cause damage to the leaves, branches, and trunk. In severe cases, they can kill the tree.

Contact The Tree Care Experts

At Tree Tech, we’re a professional tree care company that can help your tree with all your insect and disease problems. We have years of experience in the industry and know how to deal with all kinds of trees. If you’re interested, hit the link below to contact us now!