Tree Education Guide in Dallas, TX


Our experts at TreeTech know how to take care of your trees. Start learning with us how to identify and treat them properly with our extensive tree services.

Research has shown that urban trees provide a variety of important environmental, economic, and social benefits to our communities. They are much more than aesthetic. The healthier and larger trees are, the more benefits they provide. Trees are worthy of great care!

How Do We Care For Trees As They Deserve?

We study and learn as much as we can about them and their environmental requirements (and challenges) to protect and care for them. TreeTech values education, and we are dedicated to sharing our knowledge with others. Please enjoy our various articles and posts below to learn more about tree care too! Come back and visit often as we regularly add new content and information.

Explore our Tree Education Guide in Dallas, TX, and let our certified arborists in Dallas, TX help you become proficient in tree care. Our professional tree services ensure your trees receive the best care possible.


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Pest Alert: Emerald Ash Borer Continues to Spread in Texas

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is one of the most destructive tree pests in the United States in the last several decades.  While it was first observed in Michigan around 2002, it did not find its way to Texas until 2016.  It was first observed in eastern Texas, in Harrison County near the Louisiana border.  As of June 2022, EAB has now positively been identified in Dallas and additional Texas counties, since being first observed in Texas. 

Bagworms in North Texas, What You Should Know

Bagworms are a common pest in North Texas, especially on evergreen species such as cedars, junipers, and cypresses trees.  However, it is not uncommon to observe them infest broad-leaf trees like oaks, maples, and elms as well. While they are common, they may not always be noticeable, especially on evergreens, as they use material from the trees, they infest to camouflage their casings. Like other insects, bagworms have a year-long life cycle, and control measures depend on the growth stage of the pest.

Drought Stress and Susceptibility to Pest and Disease

Trees are constantly under a variety of environmental stresses. The stress factors imposed on them range from chemicals like nutrient deficiencies to mechanical ones, from storm damage to construction damage, and cultural factors like misuse of pesticides/fertilizers,...

5 Summer Tree Care Tips

Summertime brings plenty of sun and heat for enjoying outdoor activities, especially trips to the lake or pool.  However, North Texas summers' long hot, and dry days also stress our trees.     TreeTech TX can help care for your trees.  Here are five essential tips to...

Insects and Disease Problems Your Tree Could Get

Trees get sick too. Just like people, they can catch diseases and pests that can make them weak and susceptible to other problems. That's why it's important to watch out for signs of disease and pests, so you can get your tree the help it needs. If you have a tree on...

A Guideline To Taking Care Of Your Trees

Maintaining your trees is important to protect both their health and your property’s curb appeal. Without regular care, trees can become diseased or infested with insects, which can lead to costly damage. Well-kept trees also maintain the environment and reduce energy...

Strong Spring Storms Demand Strong Trees

Okay, finish the following sentence:  April showers bring May…..yes, flowers!  But what happens when a wet fall is combined with a relatively wet spring?  Well, sometimes, wet springs don’t only lead to fortuitous flowering.  In fact, excessive soil moisture...

Serving the Dallas Metroplex

Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, Allen