May Showers Brings June…Fungus?

Mar 2, 2022 | 0 comments

Okay, finish the following sentence:  April showers bring May…..yes, flowers!  But what happens when a wet fall is combined with a relatively wet spring?  Well, sometimes, wet springs don’t only lead to fortuitous flowering.  In fact, excessive soil moisture (especially over extended periods) can lead to optimal growing conditions for fungal pathogens that can harm tree root systems and decay wood in trunks or branches.  



The redbud in this image is suffering from ganoderma root rot.  When appropriately diagnosed and [more importantly] timely, there are several treatment options, including soil enhancement, aeration services, and the application of systemic fungicides to help slow the spread of fungal disease.  

Another symptom that helps identify these pathogens is the development of fruiting bodies or mushrooms.  The second picture below depicts the conk or mushroom associated with ganoderma on the same redbud.  With its shiny dark orange to brown color and white band along its edge, this mushroom is a tell-tale sign of root disease.  





tree fungus
tree with stains

Prevent These By Calling Professional To Inspect

Having your trees inspected regularly by a trained and experienced certified arborist for signs of pests or diseases can help detect minor problems before they become large ones.  This is especially important for large trees since root decay often leads to a loss of structural integrity and a heightened risk of tree failure.  Call TreeTech TX and allow us to be part of your yearly spring-cleaning routine by scheduling a site visit today. And let us care for your trees and help add value and safety to your property.