Things You Didn’t Know Trees Can Cause On Your Property

Nov 3, 2021 | 0 comments

Homeowners are likely to own a property that has trees in it. While having trees on your property can be quite beneficial, being aware of any damage they can cause is crucial, primarily when the damage is caused to your neighbor’s property. 

When not given proper maintenance, trees get overextended branches and limbs that can get weak or diseased over time, increasing the likelihood of falling upon your property.

Also, roots can excessively grow, putting at risk your house foundation. In this article, we will share the possible negative effects a tree can bring upon your property.

Three Most Frequent Damage From Trees

The severity of the damage depends on which category they fall into. Some of the most common are the following:

Roof Damage

If a tree is damaged, weak, or has been deceased for a long time, the chances that it may fall upon your house’s roof are very high. Dropping branches can cause significant damage to your roof because of their weight and size. 


During severe weather conditions, trees can easily be struck by lightning, causing them to split or fall apart. Lightning strikes can cause not only damage to a tree’s branches but also its trunk, bringing it down on anything in its way.

Overgrown Roots

Like any other part of a tree, roots need to be treated with the same importance. Overlooking this aspect of a tree can reduce awareness of a root going in the wrong direction and interfering with underground wires and water systems, resulting in a severe issue. 

Get Your Tree Removal Services Today

Tree Tech TX is a tree removal company that provides commercial and residential tree care services and has provided assistance to businesses and homeowners for over 40 years. Need tree pruning? We have got you covered. Our team can find the diseased parts and have them removed for you. Find out what Tree Tech TX can do for you, and contact us today.