Surviving Scorching Texas Summers: Essential Tree Care Tips

Jul 12, 2023 | 0 comments

Surviving Scorching Texas Summers: Essential Tree Care Tips

The blistering summer heat in North Texas can be relentless, posing a significant threat to the health and survival of our precious trees. Proper tree care during this scorching hot season is crucial to ensure their resilience, growth, and contribution to the environment. 

By implementing essential tree care practices, we can mitigate the adverse effects of the summer heat and foster a thriving urban forest. In this article, we will delve into the top tree care tips for North Texas during the summer heat, allowing you to protect and nurture your arboreal companions effectively.

Always Water Wisely

One of the most critical aspects of tree care during the summer is proper watering. The high temperatures and arid conditions can quickly deplete the soil’s moisture, placing immense stress on trees. Watering should be deep and infrequent to encourage deep root growth, ensuring trees can access water even during prolonged dry spells.

For mature trees, consider providing them with a slow, deep watering every two to four weeks, allowing the soil to absorb the moisture thoroughly. Young or newly planted trees may require more frequent watering during their establishment period, usually for the first year after planting.

While watering is vital to the health of your trees throughout the hot summer months, it is also important to follow the local guidelines as well. In the Dallas metro area, you can keep track of watering guidelines and restrictions through their Dallas Water Utilities website.

Applying Mulch 

Mulching is a simple yet effective practice that helps retain soil moisture and protect tree roots from extreme temperatures. Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or shredded bark, around the base of the tree, extending the mulch layer to the drip line. This is the area beneath the outermost branches. 

Applying mulch as the base of your trees helps conserve water. It also reduces soil temperature fluctuations and suppresses weed growth, which can compete with trees for water and nutrients. With temperatures well over 100 degrees and the potential for water restrictions, mulching is a great way to proactively or retroactively assist your trees. 

Avoid Overwatering

While adequate watering is essential, overwatering can be just as harmful to trees as drought conditions. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other water-related issues. To determine when your trees need watering, perform a simple soil moisture test. 

Stick your finger about two inches into the soil near the tree’s root zone. If the soil feels moist, wait a few more days before watering. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. It can be hard to tell how much and how often to water, especially during the hot months. You can always reach out to our professional arborists to learn more about the specific trees on your property.

Pruning for Health and Shade

Regular pruning is beneficial for maintaining tree health, as well as shaping their overall growth. Summer is the ideal time for pruning as trees are actively growing. Pruning is a practice that should be done regularly to ensure the long-term health of your tree. Much like tree trimming, do-it-yourself pruning techniques can leave some trees vulnerable to damage and should always be done by a trained professional.

The goal of pruning is to remove the dead, diseased, or damaged branches of a tree to prevent them from becoming entry points for pests and diseases. Proper pruning is also known to enhance the air circulation and light penetration, fostering an overall healthier tree. During the heat of the summer, proper pruning can help reduce the stress that a tree is under.

Additionally, strategic pruning can help create a well-balanced canopy that provides ample shade. A well-shaded tree reduces water loss through transpiration and minimizes heat stress on the tree’s structure. This shade can also be enjoyed by your family, pets, and even local wildlife. 

Monitor for Pests and Diseases

During the summer, trees can be susceptible to various pests and diseases that thrive in hot, humid conditions. Regularly inspect your trees for signs of infestations or infections, such as wilting leaves, unusual discoloration, or pest activity. Early detection allows for timely intervention and prevents the problem from escalating.

If you notice any issues, consult with a certified arborist or horticulturist to determine the appropriate treatment or preventive measures. In fact, because trees are actively growing and at higher risk of disease or injury we recommend having trees inspected this time of year. That way, if there are any issues they can be treated quickly before the issue becomes harder to manage. 

Apply Organic Fertilizer

Fertilizing your trees with organic, slow-release fertilizers can provide them with essential nutrients for healthy growth. Knowing the type of fertilizer that is best and the proper way to apply it can sometimes differ from tree to tree. 

Avoid using excessive amounts of fertilizer, as this can lead to nutrient imbalances and negatively impact the tree’s health. We offer fertilizing services utilizing the knowledge and experience of our tree professionals. That way you don’t have to worry about under- or over-fertilizing your trees. 

Shield Trees from Construction and Equipment

The summer is a popular time for people and businesses to invest in construction and renovation projects. That being said, construction work and heavy equipment can damage tree roots and compact the soil around them. If you’re planning any construction or renovation projects near your trees, take precautions to protect the root zone. Erect barriers and fencing to keep heavy equipment and foot traffic away from the tree’s base. Compacted soil reduces water infiltration and can harm the roots, leading to stress and decline.

Caring for your trees during the scorching summer heat in North Texas is an essential responsibility for any tree owner. By following these tree care tips – watering wisely, mulching, avoiding overwatering, pruning for health and shade, monitoring for pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizer, and protecting against construction damage – you can help your trees survive and thrive even in the most challenging conditions.

Healthy, well-cared-for trees not only enhance the beauty of our landscapes but also contribute to cleaner air, reduced urban heat island effect, and increased biodiversity. As we protect and nurture our trees, we create a more sustainable and vibrant environment for current and future generations to enjoy. To learn more about how the professional arborists and tree technicians at Tree Tech can help you care for your yard this summer feel free to reach out to us today!