Is Winter Really The Ideal Tree Trimming Season?

Dec 22, 2021 | 0 comments

Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, it’s important to keep your trees trimmed. Not only does trimming help them look their best, but it also helps them stay healthy and safe. 

Trimming your trees helps them grow in the right direction. If you don’t trim them properly, they can become lopsided and unbalanced. This not only looks bad but can also cause the tree to fall over in strong winds. Regular trimming also helps keep your trees healthy. It removes any dead branches and leaves that could potentially spread disease or attract insects. 

Tree pruning can be done almost any time of the year, so if you haven’t done it yet, you’re just in time! In this blog, we’ll explain the pros of trimming your trees according to each season.

Seasonal Trimming

In Spring

You can safely remove dead, damaged, or overgrown branches during this season, yet you have to be careful not to prune too many to avoid overly stressing your tress during the main growing season. 

Due to the trees’ fast growth during the spring season, trimming wounds can seal and close faster, greatly reducing exposure to diseases and infestations. 

In The Summertime

Just as in spring, you can also remove dead, damaged, or diseased tree limbs in the summer. Pruning during this season encourages healthy fruit growth thanks to the increased light and air circulation. Also, it helps to support robust and durable branch development to avoid any weak or sick branches.

Since summer is all about improving the tree’s structure, tree cabling services are ideal for improving your tree’s position allowing its roots to grow, and reinforcing stems and branches.

In The Fall

Unless you have any dead branches or branches that might become a hazard during the winter season, experts recommend not to prune your trees during the fall season. 

This can increase the risk of catching diseases because the tree is entering an early dormant stage, and its growth and scaring will be interrupted.

Winter Is Your Best Choice!

Winter is the best time for pruning! During this season, trees enter a stage of dormancy that allows trees to heal from pruning cuts before warmer weather brings out destructive insects and pathogens.

Once leaves have completely fallen off your tree, it makes it easier to appreciate its structure and identify any dead or dangerous branches. Also, any branches cut back during the winter will recover more quickly in spring with new growth.

Bacteria, fungi, and parasites go dormant during the winter months, making diseases less likely to be transmitted to your trees during winter tree trimming.

Hire Professional Arborists In Texas

Protect your trees any time of the year with expert arborists at Tree Tech, TX! We offer you multiple high-quality and effective tree services, including tree pruning, tree removal, and tree fertilization to keep your trees strong and healthy all year long.

Our trained arborists have years of experience that allow them to determine if your trees need any trimming and the perfect time to do it. Our 4 step pruning process ensures your trees can improve their appearance and structure with the best care they can get.