DIY Tree Trimming: 5 Tips to Make Your Yard Look Beautiful Regardless of Skill Level

Nov 10, 2021 | 0 comments

Trees are a huge part of the aesthetic value of your property, so it’s important to have them trimmed. Trimming will help not only for trees to look nice but also to keep them healthy.

If you have tree trimming skills, then you know how to do this yourself. However, if tree care is not on your skill setlist, let us teach you some tips to make your yard look beautiful regardless of your skill level!

  1. Always use sharp blades

It’s important to clean your tools and have them sharpened. Dull blades tear the tree instead of cutting it, making jagged tears that can cause damage to your tree’s health and make them more susceptible to infection.

In addition, dull blades require you to use extra force when cutting, making the tree look like it’s been hacked by a lumberjack!

  1. Use a high-quality saw with teeth made from carbide steel

A high-quality saw is essential for protecting your tree’s health and making sure your landscaping efforts look professional instead of amateurish! Carbide steel teeth help the tree heal fast so that you can trim the tree trim again in no time!

Carbide steel blades are longer lasting than regular saws and last up to 50% longer. If your tree is large, get two of these high-quality tools for double the protection! Don’t settle for cheap tree-cutting devices that don’t do the trick.

  1. Measure twice before cutting once

Once you cut, there is no way back, so tree trimming is not the time to be impulsive! Before cutting the trees, measure carefully and take note of where it needs to be trimmed.

If you are working with a large tree that requires multiple cuts, then start at the top branches first so they can fall into place naturally as you work down towards the roots.

  1. Use stable ladders and secure well against the tree branch

Your safety is always first. If you have to climb on a ladder, make sure it’s fully stabilized on tree branches. Ensure that the tree branch can hold your weight; otherwise, get another ladder!

Avoid working on your yard at night so you don’t risk falling and hurting yourself or damaging parts of your family’s home in case of a fall.

  1. Keep your branches short so they don’t get caught on wires or other objects below them

Branches shouldn’t get caught on tree wiring or power lines. If you have wires running through your tree, you should keep your branches short. Although when trimming, take your time to do it safely and efficiently!

If your branches get caught in another object, such as a fence post, then use pruners instead of saws when cutting them back to avoid ripping bark from the tree.

The sense of satisfaction when your work pays off

Taking care of your yard takes dedication and hard work to see results. As you continue working on your yard throughout the year, it will look like a well-kept professional landscaped area!

It feels good when you see your beautiful garden growing and blooming, thanks to the care you’ve been giving it. You may even get a few compliments from your neighbors on how well the trees are looking after following these DIY tree trimming tips!

Ask for experts’ help when necessary

When you’re in doubt, it’s better to call a professional. Arborists have the expertise and tools to do the job correctly. They can solve tree issues in a smart way, making sure that your tree is not damaged or compromised when they finish their work.

Professional tree service is your best bet if you want your garden to stand out from the rest. They know how to trim the tree so that it won’t get damaged or make it sick. This means they’ll know which branches need to come off and which ones can stay on.

Take care of your garden with TreeTech TX

At TreeTech TX, we have more than 4 decades of experience in taking care of trees and vegetation. Our tree care professionals will provide you with a tree evaluation so that you can get the most out of your landscape!

  • Around-the-clock emergency service
  • Clean-up and maintenance environmentally sustainable
  • Expert assistance with tree and plant care

We’re passionate about helping Dallas homeowners maintain their properties in top shape by providing expert tree trimmings and other maintenance services such as tree removal or stump grinding.