3 Reasons Why Winter Is The Best Season To Call For Tree Services

Nov 24, 2021 | 0 comments

Did you know that winter is the time of year when tree services are always in high demand? With snow and ice on the ground, tree branches can become weighed down and snap from their weight.

If you have ever seen a tree that has been knocked over by snow or ice, it’s not a pretty sight! Here are 3 reasons why winter is an excellent season to call for tree services:

1. Best Time To Work On Trees And For Them To Heal

During this time, trees are lacking leaves, so tree care professionals can safely access the tree and remove broken branches without damaging other areas of the tree.

Also, trees are in a dormancy period, so they aren’t actively growing and putting too much weight on branches. This makes the healing process take less time after branch removal.

2. Avoid Pests And Disease

Cuts that are created while tree trimming can attract pests and diseases. This is especially true if you chop branches in the fall.

During the winter, these insects and diseases are less active than usual, letting the tree recover without any more damage.

3. Reduce The Risk Of Property Damage

Tree care during this season reduces the risk of property damage. Harsh winds, snow, and ice can cause branches and tree limbs to snap.

Since it’s a challenging time of the year for trees and vegetation, you should consider hiring a professional to do the job. A tree company will ensure the safety of your yard and your home.

Hire Professionals For A Safer And More Efficient Job

In winter, the proper care of your trees can be a little dangerous if you want to do it for yourself. All it takes is one wrong step or slip, and you could find yourself in the emergency room. Let us at TreeTech TX give your trees a hand this winter so that they are ready to grow again come spring.

For over four decades, we have been offering high-quality services such as pruning, tree or plants health care, and more. To both individual homeowners and large-scale vegetation management firms in Texas who need tree care, our experience is your guarantee.